Name: Anastasia Timofte

Course: Digital Marketing & Business Management 

Year: 4th



What made you choose to join the AberFly Society?

I used to be a member of Dundee Uni's Society of pole dance for two years, and I always wanted for our school to have its own society so a true sense of belonging to be installed – everyone has always been so welcoming, but sometimes you feel a bit like an alien to have to explain you are from another school.


What initially drew you to pole, and how has it impacted your physical and mental well-being?

It always looked so good when I would get a video online of someone doing Pole dance. I have been self-conscious about myself and my body my entire life, so it took me a while to get used to being so exposed to it so much. But I believe that is what actually helped me so much in accepting it. Mentally, it can still trigger my inner perfectionist, but it’s worth it.


How does pole contribute to your self-confidence, body positivity and overall sense of empowerment?

The Pole dance community is very welcoming. It’s compliments all around, from your shape in the new move you were trying to your shorts, and the positivity slowly is incorporated in your daily mentality.


How do you incorporate creativity and self-expression into your pole routines or performances?

I am not an expert in this part yet, but I enjoy letting myself free and losing myself in the music, losing myself in the movement and letting myself feel the moment. It’s freeing.


What's the most embarrassing or funny thing that has ever happened to you?

Probably falling really badly while trying to record a movement I was so sure I could do good.


What's your favourite board game or video game, and what makes it so enjoyable for you?

Does Uno count? It’s so chaotic and evil.


If you could have a dinner party with any three celebrities, who would you invite and why?

All members of BTS or no one, I do not make the rules.