Accounting, Business and Management

  • Divrep

Meet your Division Rep

About me 😃

Name: Jay Tait

Course: Accounting and Finance

Year: 1st 


Why did you want to become a Division Rep?

The position was left vacant, and a filled position is better than none.


What's the one piece of advice you would give to students you represent?

Know your goals, strategise effectively, build discipline, hold yourself accountable, and talk to people. I'm counting that as one piece since I used commas and not full stops.


Where is your favourite spot in Dundee?

North of the Trottick Ponds there's a path that goes up to Claverhouse and at the top of that there's a stream which runs down to the Burn. It's nothing stunning but I ride past there often and taking a moment to watch the stream and enjoy the quiet is appealing.


If you could magically become fluent in any language, which one would you choose and why?

Definitely Mandarin. In the long run it may be a detriment, but I could read so many untranslated cheesy xianxia and xuanhuan novels. There's also the fact China is a major hub of scientific literature, but fantasy novels take the cake here.


What's the strangest or most interesting thing you've ever eaten?

Swordfish stew in Mexico when I was there for a wedding. It was maybe like the second or third thing I'd eaten as I recovered from horrific heat exhaustion and boy it was good.