Name: Dounia Allaiouti

Course: Criminology & Policing 

Year: 3



What made you choose to join the Criminology/ Sociology Society?

I wanted to have a social space that accommodated uni students in the sociology and criminology course.


What initially sparked your interest in Criminology/ Sociology, and what aspects of the field do you find most fascinating or rewarding?

I was initially really interested in studying Criminology after news of the BLM protests went viral in 2020; after seeing the systemic biases and issues that plague our criminal justice system, I wanted to study these issues in depth to try and help resolve them to the best of my ability. While I understand that there are far too many problems for just myself to resolve, I wish to do the best I can and try to uphold justice.


Are there any specific cases, TV shows or books that ignited your curiosity about Criminology/ Sociology?

I’d say that the thing that really got me into Criminology was the Ace Attorney and Professor Layton games that I would play growing up. I found it really fun using the clues to solve the cases in the game and figure out why the criminal did their crimes.


How does being part of the Criminology/ Sociology society enhance your understanding and passion for the field?

Being part of the Criminology department in Abertay University has really helped to enhance my passion and understanding of the field as most of the lecturers in this area of study have had previous experience in the criminal justice field and bring their own stories and opinions to the debates and discussions we have in tutorials.


If you could have any superpower for a day, what would you choose and how would you use it?

If I could have any superpower for a day, I would choose teleportation as I would be able to go to any place I would want to in an instant. I would use the day to visit famous landmarks in different countries and see the natural beauty of them for myself.


What's your favourite cheesy joke or pun?

Why did the lawyer always bring a pillow with him to court? So that he could rest his case.


If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?

If I was standard on a deserted island, I would bring a set of matches, a pocketknife, and a water filter. The matches would be useful in lighting a fire for the nights to make sure I won’t get cold: the pocketknife could be useful in finding dry firewood or for finding small animals for nutrition and the water filter would ensure that I would always have clean water to drink.