Name: Carla De Brito

Course: Criminology 

Year: 3rd Year



What made you choose to join the Criminology/ Sociology Society?

I wanted to find and build a community that studied the same subject as me so we could exchange about it and help each other.


What initially sparked your interest in Criminology/ Sociology, and what aspects of the field do you find most fascinating or rewarding?

I really liked the aspect of learning about the evolution of societies and how that impacted criminality and how the justice system runs within different epochs and countries.


Are there any specific cases, TV shows or books that ignited your curiosity about Criminology/ Sociology?

Younger I was a big fan of all those crime shows such as Criminal Minds and murder mysteries books which was more focused on the psychology aspect of criminology but got me to look into criminology and sociology degrees.


How does being part of the Criminology/ Sociology society enhance your understanding and passion for the field?

I believe that sharing my passion for the field with fellow students would help me enjoy it even more, and the opportunity of talking about the subject with my peers but also with people in a career related to it will help grow my understanding of it.


If you could live in any fictional world, which one would it be and why?

I don’t really have one in particular but any fantasy world that contains mythical creatures such as dragons sounds like a fun place to live.


What's your favourite board game or video game, and what makes it so enjoyable for you?

My favourite board game is called Jungle Speed. I love it because it is easy to understand, fast and easy to carry. Whenever I play it with my friends or family everyone really gets into it, and we usually spend the whole time laughing.


If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality or legality, what would you choose and why?

As a cat person the idea to have a tiger as pet sounds absolutely fantastic.


If you could have any superpower for a day, what would you choose and how would you use it?

I would want the ability to teleport so I could go see all my friends and family that live far away in an instant.


What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done or would like to do in the future?

When I turned 18 I wanted to face my fear of heights, so I decided to go skydiving. It was terrifying but also the most awesome experience I have ever had, and I would do it again without a doubt.


If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?

I would get an e-book reader so I could have unlimited books, a ukulele, and a knife.